
GMAT   OG2019逻辑新题解析574



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GMAT   OG2019逻辑新题解析574

日期:1970-01-01 08:00:00     浏览:135    来源:欧米GMAT培训

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GMAT OG2019全新出炉,欧米GMAT整理逻辑新题并附上解析,持续更新,欢迎关注!欧米官网更新更及时→逻辑新题解析


574. Film Director: It is true that certain characters and plot twists in my newly released film The Big Heist are similar to characters and plot twists in Thieves, a movie that came out last year. Pointing to these similarities, the film studio that produced Thieves is now accusing me of taking ideas from that film. The accusation is clearly without merit. All production work on The Big Heist was actually completed months before Thieves was released.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the director’s position?

A. Before Thieves began production, its script had been circulating for several years among various film studios, including the studio that produced The Big Heist.

B. The characters and plot twists that are most similar in the two films have close parallels in many earlier films of the same genre.

C. The film studio that produced Thieves seldom produces films in this genre.

D. The director of Thieves worked with the director of The Big Heist on several earlier projects.

E. Production work on Thieves began before production work on The Big Heist was started.


电影导演:我的新电影The Big Heist里的角色和剧情转折确实和去年出的电影Thieves相似。针对这些相似之处,电影Thieves的制作公司在指控我抄袭。这个指控很显然没有价值。电影The Big Heist的所有制作工作都比Thieves的发行早完成了数个月。


问题问下面选项如果是真的,哪个最能支持导演的观点。也就是要说明The Big Heist确实没有抄袭Thieves。

A:在Thieves开始制作之前,它的剧本曾经在几个电影制作公司之间流动了好几年,包括制作The Big Heist的公司。错,不能证明The Big Heist完成的早,反而可以说明The Big Heist确实有抄袭的嫌疑,因为制作公司看过Thieves的剧本。



D:Thieves的导演和The Big Heist的导演曾经一起工作过。错,这就说明后者可能确实剽窃了前者的创意,因为之前有合作,有一些了解。

E:Thieves的制作开始的比The Big Heist早。错,说反了,要说The Big Heist比较早。

